Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Name | string |
None. |
CentreCode | globally unique identifier |
None. |
SubjectTaughts1 | Collection of SubjectTaught |
None. |
SubjectLevelTaughts1 | Collection of SubjectLevelTaught |
None. |
CentreCode2 | globally unique identifier |
None. |
SubjectTaughts2 | Collection of SubjectTaught |
None. |
SubjectLevelTaughts2 | Collection of SubjectLevelTaught |
None. |
TaughtMoreThanTwoCentres | string |
None. |
ReasonsForTeachingatMTP | Collection of integer |
None. |
ReasonsForTeachingatMTPReason | string |
None. |
AbletoTeachSubjectWithin15hr | integer |
None. |
BelieveStudentsReceptiveTeaching | integer |
None. |
BelieveTuitionImprovedUnderstand | integer |
None. |
ShareReasonsforDisagree | string |
None. |
ChallengesFacedDuringLessons | string |
None. |
ConfidentTeachingSubjects | integer |
None. |
PersonalAssistHBLLessons | integer |
None. |
PositiveFeedbackHBLLessons | integer |
None. |
BenefitLessonsPlatform | Collection of integer |
None. |
BenefitLessonsPlatformReason | string |
None. |
ChallengeLessonsPlatform | Collection of integer |
None. |
ChallengeLessonsPlatformReason | string |
None. |
DuringanOnlineTuition | Collection of integer |
None. |
DuringanOnlineTuitionReason | string |
None. |
MendakiSupportStudents | Collection of integer |
None. |
MendakiSupportStudentsReason | string |
None. |
MendakiUpliftStudentsPerf | string |
None. |
InterestVolunteerProgram | integer |
None. |
OtherFeedbackComments | string |
None. |
lst_Centers | Collection of Centers |
None. |
MtsCentreIds | Collection of globally unique identifier |
None. |
MTSCenter | globally unique identifier |
None. |
MTSCentername | string |
None. |
ContactId | globally unique identifier |
None. |