Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
contactid | globally unique identifier |
None. |
AccountId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Salutation | integer |
None. |
Gender | integer |
None. |
About | string |
None. |
DateOfBirth | date |
None. |
NameInNRIC | string |
None. |
firstname | string |
Max length: 50 |
lastname | string |
Max length: 50 |
PreferedName | string |
None. |
fullname | string |
None. |
jobtitle | string |
None. |
parentcustomerid | globally unique identifier |
None. |
mobilephone | string |
None. |
emailaddress1 | string |
None. |
Password | string |
Max length: 100 |
ConfirmPassword | string |
Max length: 100 |
NRIC | string |
None. |
NRICLast4Characters | string |
None. |
IsTaxDeductions | boolean |
None. |
IsDeclaration | boolean |
None. |
IsNewlettermail | boolean |
None. |
IdentificationType | integer |
None. |
totalDonationAmount | decimal number |
None. |
EventAttendees | Collection of EventRegistration |
None. |
EventVolunteers | Collection of EventRegistration |
None. |
Donations | Collection of Donation |
None. |
programmeRegistrations | Collection of ProgrammeRegistration |
None. |
schemeRegistrations | Collection of SchemeRegistration |
None. |
Pledges | Collection of Pledge |
None. |
LoginType | string |
None. |
ContactImage | string |
None. |
MaritalStatus | integer |
None. |
Race | globally unique identifier |
None. |
RaceName | string |
None. |
Religion | globally unique identifier |
None. |
ReligionName | string |
None. |
Nationality | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Occupation | globally unique identifier |
None. |
OtherOccupation | string |
None. |
ContactMethod | integer |
None. |
Buildingname | string |
None. |
UnitNumber | string |
None. |
Street | string |
None. |
Postalcode | string |
None. |
country | string |
None. |
Address | string |
None. |
company | string |
None. |
Contactnumber | string |
None. |
lst_Race | Collection of Race |
None. |
lst_Religion | Collection of Religion |
None. |
lst_Nationality | Collection of Nationality |
None. |
CurrentPageIndex | integer |
None. |
PageCount | integer |
None. |
UserId | string |
None. |
relationship | integer |
None. |
Income | decimal number |
None. |
caseModel | Case |
None. |
TotalDonation | string |
None. |
TotalActiveCases | integer |
None. |
ActiveSchemeRegistrations | integer |
None. |
ActiveProgrammeRegistrations | integer |
None. |
TotalVolunteerHours | decimal number |
None. |
TotalVolunteerTier | globally unique identifier |
None. |
strTotalVolunteerTier | string |
None. |
ActiveApplications | integer |
None. |
registrationContactID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
guarantorcontactID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
SecondaryRace | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Secondemailaddress | string |
None. |
Secondarymobilephone | string |
None. |
HighestEducation | integer |
None. |
EmploymentSector | globally unique identifier |
None. |
lst_EmpSector | Collection of EmploymentSector |
None. |
HousingType | integer |
None. |
HDBType | integer |
None. |
LanguagesSpoken | Collection of string |
None. |
PreferredLanguage | integer |
None. |
LevelofStudy | integer |
None. |
CurrentSchool | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Stream | globally unique identifier |
None. |
CourseofStudy | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Subscriptions | Collection of string |
None. |
lst_schoolinstitution | Collection of CurrentSchoolOrInstitution |
None. |
lst_streams | Collection of Streams |
None. |
lst_course | Collection of CourseStudy |
None. |
lst_occupation | Collection of Occupation |
None. |
ResidentialStatus | integer |
None. |
SaveMessage | string |
None. |
verifiedDocuments | Collection of VerifiedDocument |
None. |
parentrelation | string |
None. |
samehousehold | string |
None. |
spouseName | string |
None. |
spouseContactNo | string |
None. |
perCapitaIncome | decimal number |
None. |
HasMyInfoPersonData | boolean |
None. |
lst_cpfContributions | Collection of CPFContribution |
None. |
noaBasic | NoaBasic |
None. |
lst_childBirthRecords | Collection of ChildBirthRecord |
None. |
Myinforetrivaldate | date |
None. |
Istutor | boolean |
None. |
IsReliefTutor | boolean |
None. |
IsHeadTutor | boolean |
None. |
IsReliefHeadTutor | boolean |
None. |
IsRovingAssessor | boolean |
None. |
IsRovingMentor | boolean |
None. |
isrowdeleted | boolean |
None. |
IsChild | boolean |
None. |